Predstavitev ponudbe
Pri nas ponujamo snemanje in fotografiranje porok. Za vas imamo pripravljeno ponudbo za snemanje in fotografiranje, kateri zajemata po tri različne pakete. Paketi se razlikujejo glede na dolžino naše prisotnosti na poroki, ter dolžino željenega poročenga filma ali števila obdelanih fotografij. Vsi paketi pa imajo vključeno snemanje/fotografiranje z dronom ter predaja posnetkov na usb ključku.
Cenik paketov na naši spletni strani ni objavljen, to pa zato ker bi radi z vami vstopili v stik, vam predstavili vse pakete in naše delo, poleg pa tudi spoznali vas in vaše želje.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our work
Because the attitude and approach to each couple is very important to us, we have a cognitive conversation before the wedding day. Cognitive conversation also contains an overview of wedding events, including visits to locations where your most beautiful day will take place
Do I really need two cameramen?
It is definitely advisable to have another cameraman. The choice also depends on the remaining factors. The number and size of locations, your wishes and expectations, and of course the budget for the wedding.
How long does it take to make and what is the length of the wedding film?
Because every wedding film is unique, we pay close attention to each montage and prepare something extraordinary for you. Handing over the edited film takes 4 - 6 on average weeks. The length of the wedding film depends on the wedding package chosen. The handover of the wedding film is on a unique USB stick.
Our presence at the wedding
Our presence also depends on the package you choose. We are most often present until 12 noon until the cake is cut. Of course, the package can always be adapted to each pair individually.